Elementary Education Subtest 1 (150) Practice Test

Preparing for the Elementary Education Subtest 1 (150): Reading/Language Arts


If you’re gearing up to take the Elementary Education Subtest 1 (150) in Reading/Language Arts, using a practice test is an excellent way to prepare. This exam includes 52 selected-response questions and one constructed-response assignment, with a passing score of 240. To help you tackle this test, we’ll break down the subareas, competencies, and offer strategies for effective study using a practice test.

Understanding the Test Structure

The Elementary Education Subtest 1 is divided into three main subareas, each focusing on different aspects of reading and language arts:

  1. Reading (55%)
  2. Language Arts (30%)
  3. Constructed-Response Assignment (15%)

Let’s delve into each subarea and the competencies you’ll need to master.

Subarea I: Reading (55%)

This section covers the foundational and advanced stages of literacy development, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, literary analysis, and informational text analysis.

Key Competencies:

  • Foundations of Literacy Development: Understand the relationship between oral language, reading, writing, and spelling. Provide systematic instruction in phonological and phonemic awareness.
  • Beginning Stages of Literacy Development: Knowledge of phonics, spelling, and word recognition.
  • Later Stages of Literacy Development: Advanced phonics, spelling, and word recognition.
  • Reading Fluency: Key indicators of fluency, strategies to promote fluent reading.
  • Vocabulary Development: Effective vocabulary instruction and strategies for promoting vocabulary.
  • Reading Comprehension: Instruction in comprehension strategies for different text genres.
  • Literary Analysis: Understanding major works, authors, genres, and analyzing literary texts.
  • Informational Text Analysis: Key features and structures of informational texts, and comprehension strategies.

Subarea II: Language Arts (30%)

This section focuses on writing development, producing organized writing, conducting research, and multimodal literacies.

Key Competencies:

  • Writing Development: Stages of writing development, the writing process, and creating an engaging literacy environment.
  • Producing Writing: Strategies for writing different types of texts, using technology, and collaborating.
  • Research Fundamentals: Developing research projects, gathering and synthesizing information, avoiding plagiarism.
  • Multimodal Literacies: Effective communication, listening, speaking skills, and using multimedia in presentations.

Subarea III: Constructed-Response Assignment (15%)

This part of the test requires you to demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge in a practical, written format. You’ll need to integrate your understanding of reading and language arts concepts to respond effectively.

Tips for Using a Practice Test

  1. Simulate Real Test Conditions: Take the practice test in a quiet environment, with a time limit similar to the actual test. This helps you get used to the test format and timing.
  2. Review Your Answers: After completing the practice test, review your answers thoroughly. Identify areas where you struggled and revisit those topics.
  3. Focus on Weak Areas: Use the practice test results to guide your study. Spend more time on the competencies where you scored lower.
  4. Understand the Rationales: Go through the explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Understanding the reasoning behind each answer will help reinforce your knowledge.
  5. Practice Constructed Responses: Write practice essays and have them reviewed by a teacher or peer. Focus on integrating multiple competencies in your responses.
  6. Use Study Guides and Flashcards: Complement your practice test with study guides and flashcards to reinforce key concepts and terms.
  7. Join Study Groups: Discussing with peers can provide new insights and help clarify difficult concepts.


Preparing for the Elementary Education Subtest 1 (150) in Reading/Language Arts requires a strategic approach. By understanding the test structure, mastering key competencies, and effectively using practice tests, you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of success. Good luck with your studies and your upcoming test!